Breathwork integration WELCOME TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATHWORK Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *Do you want to be added to our mailing list stay up to date on our offerings *YesNoTransformational BreathworkApril 26th Sliding Scale of $40-$90 5 spots leftBriefly describe your breathwork experience *To register for this group you are asked to send a $20 deposit via email transfer within 24 hours to Please note that if the deposit is not sent within 24hrs after registration you are at risk for losing your spot as space is limited. Understand that when you send the $20 deposit this is a non refundable. The deposit guarantees that a space will be held for you. The exchange for this offering is $40-$90 where you are asked to bring cash to pay the remainder on the day of the session. Please understand those last-minute cancellations or not showing up greatly impact others at this event. Do your best to inform us ASAP should anything arrive where you are unable attend so that we can work to fill the vacant spot. Note that no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If the exchange of $40-$90 is difficult for you to manage please reach out to Alicia directly. People identifying as Indigenous to Turtle Island will be offered a space in trade. By clicking yes you agree to these terms. YesNoContraindications to this practice: - Cardiovascular problems (irregular heart beat, chest pains, etc) - High or abnormal blood pressure - History of aneurysms, epilepsy or seizures - Severe asthma - Pregnancy (past 2nd trimester) - Severe psychiatric or mental health issues If you have any of the above, please refrain from practice unless you've been given the go ahead by a licensed professional. It's best to abstain from alcohol the night before, and heavy foods the morning of. Ideally you practice on an empty stomach, for the most benefits. By clicking YES you are agreeing that you do not have a history of any of the contraindications. *YesNoI acknowledge that participation in these sacred ceremonies may involve discomfort and unexpected physical, mental or emotional upset. In submitting this release document, I agree to waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage. I choose to attend this work as a result of my research and interest in ceremonies. I understand that my participation in this ceremony is entirely voluntary and I agree to remain at the ceremony to its completion. I accept that the ceremony practitioners and helpers make no claim or promise about the curing of illness of any kind, or about the nature of any spiritual experience which I understand is entirely personal. I understand that my participation in these ceremonies may be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually demanding. I understand that I may experience dizziness, nausea or other physical upset including vomiting and diarrhea. I accept full responsibility for anything that may occur including emotional disturbance, mental disorientation and any and all possible manifestations of physical, emotional and mental changes. I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks and potential benefits of my participation and I freely choose to enter this process, accepting full responsibility for whatever may occur whether anticipated or unanticipated. I acknowledge that I will make alternate arrangements for transportation in the event that I may be physically or mentally exhausted and/or disoriented after the ceremony. I am informed of the nature of the ceremony, the needed preparation and the rules of the ceremonies. I commit myself to stay in the circle until the end of the ceremony and to respect the directives given by the organizers, helpers and facilitators(s) of the ceremony. I hereby knowingly and voluntarily assume the full risks of any physical or moral injury, damage or losses, either to myself or caused to others by me during the Ceremony. I hereby waive the liability of and agree to hold harmless: the practitioner(s), all the helpers, associates, employees, agents, staff, family successors, volunteers and other participants. I further agree to defend and indemnify them from any claims, suits and demands. This agreement is binding upon myself, my spouse, parents, family, heirs, executors, administrators, agents and assigns. *I understandSubmit