Integration and Support

connect : support : belong : evolve

Integration is the difference between having a big experience versus embodying the lessons learned in your plant or spirit medicine journey

Ways to stay grounded and to continue the vibrational energy.

  • Nature walks in the forest : forest bathing is an opportunity for you to allow nature to guide you towards realizations, remembering, and reconnecting to the vibrational energy of this planet and beyond.  Taking a moment to go barefoot (if possible) and practice grounding in order release and replenish your energy is extremely effective and powerful for re-centering.
  • Meditating: meditation is another grounding practice that help people feel calm, release  anxiety, and for some open portals of connection to your higher-self, guides, and ancestors. 
  • Breathwork : this innovative practice has been known to allow participants to experience psychedelic states without the consumption of any substances. Working with your breath can help you tap into the energetic vibration of your experience.  
  • Body Movement : Yoga is a spiritual practice that combines both breath and movement to help you strengthen your mind, body, and spirit. However moving your body in any form is a great way to help move any energy that may feel stuck or overwhelming. 
  • Journaling: connecting back to your intentions is a place to start.  It is suggested that you have a journal near your bed as often Bufo can speak to you through your dreams.  Writing down or keeping track of any important insights will help to connect the neural pathways.
  • Clean Eating : what you put in your body matters.  Avoiding alcohol, processed foods, and caffeine will help keep your mind, body, and spirit in alignment. The cleaner you eat the stronger your connection to source energy and more open you are to receive deeper insights. 
  • C60 : This miracle molecule is avaialbe for sale as an option for you to keep and hold your vibrational experience long after your session. Sapo Spirit has some locally in Vancouver for immediate accessibility.  Learn about the benefits of C60 here www.nirvanicnaturals.com 

In an effort to honour and support integrative suggestions and practices. Please find below different offerings to support you on your journey

Breathwork and meditation 

Transformational Breathwork
Afeef Khanzada

About the facilitator:

Afeef Khanzada is a certified Transformational Breathwork coach, personal trainer and yoga teacher.

He is passionate about helping people overcome challenges and feel more fulfilled in all areas of their lives.

Afeef believes that everyone has the innate capacity to create the life they want. Drawing on his experience in various physical and psycho spiritual practices and group facilitation, he aims to create spaces where people can feel safe to express themselves fully and deepen their connection with mind, body and spirit.

Transformational Breathwork

East Vancouver

Why breath work?

Over the ages humans have evolved into extremely sentient and intelligent beings capable of.. quite literally, anything they put their minds to. 

Why is it then, that with our history of evolution, we still suffer from afflictions like anxiety, stress, depression, poor sleep, poor mental and emotional health, and more? – the list goes on. 

The answer lies in our breath. From our birth till this moment, we form behaviours to help us get through life.

Depending on the individuals circumstance, our behaviour turns varies between adaptive and maladaptive.

The former, helping us make it through unpleasant situations and giving us resolve. The latter, compounding on itself until it shows up as physical, mental, emotional or spiritual malady. 

Behavioural patterns such as avoidance, withdrawal, passive aggressiveness, substance use, self harm, escapism are all signs of a dysregulated system that is used to creating maladaptive behaviours to get through life.

When the nervous system is addressed, these behaviours are given an opportunity to rest and be rewired into new patterns. 

Have you ever felt stuck, anxious, stressed, depressed and no matter what you did, you couldn’t quite figure out what was bothering you? 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. — Transformational Breathwork utilizes a phenomenon called transient hypo-frontality, also referred to as flow state or runners high, to induce altered states of consciousness. This allows the pre-frontal cortex of the brain – the area responsible for cognitive processing aka mental chatter a chance to quiet down, letting the brain slip into a Theta state, where it becomes relaxed and lucid. 

Theta state is where one can experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. 

Theta is associated with deep meditative states. 

Some benefits of breathwork practice include: – reduced stress and anxiety – reduced feelings of depression, fear and anger – improved sleep and performance – release of trauma and behavioural blocks – greater relaxation and feelings of peace – greater access to feelings of clarity and joy – deeper connection to emotions 

In a Transformational Breathwork session you will be safely guided on a journey where you will have an opportunity to release the things that are holding you back from your life and call in the life you deeply desire. 

To prepare for your session, please be in a comfortable quiet space where you can lay down in and not be disturbed. Dress comfortably, have a blanket and a pillow (or two) with you. To get the most out of your journey, please abstain from alcohol and caffeine/stimulants the night before and day of, and come with a light to empty stomach (eat heavy meals more than 4 hours ahead).

Exchange is a sliding scale from $40- $90

$20 deposit required to hold your spot

Space is limited 

April 26th 6pm – 9pm : 5 spots left